Have you ever experienced a small toothache, a sharp sting when you eat ice cream or noticed a few black lines on your teeth and not thought much about it after?
Well, if you ignore these common teeth problems, chances are they’re going to become more serious, and more difficult to handle in the future.
So, we’re going to tell you something that no tooth fairy will.
There are a few common problems associated with teeth and gums that need to be addressed as soon as possible. This is because if you delay the problem for too long, you may have to remove your tooth.
Here are a few common dental problems that you need to address immediately so that you can prevent them from getting worse in the future:
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is the most common out of all types of teeth problems, with around 2 billion people suffering from it globally, according to WHO.
You know those tiny black lines that you see on the surface of the teeth at the back of your mouth, those are indicators of tooth decay. This essentially means that the enamel of your tooth is eroding. The enamel acts like a shield for your tooth to protect it from the acid that comes from bad bacteria.
However, if the enamel itself is damaged, it can’t give you much protection, right? That is when your tooth starts decaying under the attack of acid. If you don’t deal with this soon enough, the decay can cause a hole in your tooth, also known as cavities. Once these holes become bigger, they open a gate for infections or even tooth removal.
What to do next:
We understand. The words ‘tooth removal’ sends shivers down our spines too.
So if you want to avoid that under all circumstances, it would be a good idea to get an examination from a dentist. You also need to upgrade your oral hygiene routines. Take extra care of your teeth with Dente91’s Toothpaste, which is enriched with a revolutionary ingredient known as Nano Hydroxyapatite that can actually help strengthen your tooth enamel.
If you have ever felt that sharp sting of pain rob the joy of eating your favourite ice cream, you know how uncomfortable tooth sensitivity can be.
Sensitivity is among the most common dental problems that’s another sign that your enamel is eroding. This normally happens because of a few reasons like brushing your teeth too hard, grinding your teeth and eating too much sugar or drinking fizzy beverages. This puts too much pressure on the tooth enamel and it starts to get worn out, hence something too hot or too cold will have a bigger impact on your teeth.
What to do next?
If you’re facing tooth sensitivity, start using a tooth sensitivity toothpaste that will help block the pain caused by cold or hot foods. Start maintaining a regular oral hygiene routine and avoid brushing your teeth rigorously.
Gum Disease
Our gums are easily overlooked because we associate common dental problems with the teeth only. However, it’s important to take care of your gums as much as your teeth. Your gums protect the most vulnerable part of your teeth; the root. So, if your gums aren’t healthy, it will affect the root, which in turn can affect all your teeth.
Gum disease usually occurs when too much plaque is formed on your teeth. The buildup of plaque can turn into tartar and it can harden your gumline. This makes it difficult to remove the bad bacteria that gets accumulated near your gumline throughout the day.
What to do next?
If you start noticing swollen gums or a slight discolouration from pink to dark red, these could be the early signs of gum disease also known as gingivitis. In this case, a deep cleaning is required to fix this common dental problem. The sooner you get this attended to by a dentist, the sooner you can prevent an even worse disease known as periodontitis which may lead to tooth loss.
Persistent Bad Breath
There’s nothing worse than being in a closed space with someone who has bad breath. The most important thing is; you don’t want to be that person!
Bad breath is most commonly caused by poor oral hygiene habits like irregular brushing, but sometimes due to reasons like dry mouth, medication, gum disease or certain health issues.
What to do next:
If you’re facing this common dental problem, make sure that you brush your teeth consistently, twice a day, and clean your tongue thoroughly with a tongue scraper. Avoid foods like onion and garlic that make your breath smell sour. Instead of choosing fresh mints after meals, have chewing gum, which is a healthier option for your teeth.
We hope that you take these common types of teeth and gum problems seriously and take quick steps to make sure they don’t become worse.