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Mouthwash- an adjunct to your oral health routine

Mouthwash- an adjunct to your oral health routine

Mouthwash, mouth rinse, or oral rinse is an antiseptic solution used to improve oral hygiene. Although using mouthwash may seem like an unnecessary step after cautiously brushing and flossing your teeth, but it has several benefits that should make it a part of any good oral hygiene routine.

  • Mouthwash Benefits:

Mouthwash offers the benefit of reaching inaccessible areas that are difficult to clean with a toothbrush. It helps in cleaning debris and plaque on your teeth. It can also help in soothing canker sores by killing the bacteria causing inflammation around the sore. The main benefit of mouthwash is that it freshens your breath. Yet, if you invest in a good mouthwash, you get many other advantages as well.

  • Types of mouthwash:

There are different types of mouthwash available in the market, which makes choosing the right mouthwash a daunting task.

1.Fluoride Mouthwash:

 A fluoride-based mouthwash protects your teeth from acids produced by bacterial plaque. It also helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Since fluoride is present in toothpaste and tap water, one should be cautious when using this type of mouthwash as excessive exposure to fluoride has been linked to several health issues.

  1. Antiseptic mouthwash:

This mouthwash usually contains alcohol and helps prevent infection by stopping bacterial growth. It is also helpful in treating inflammation and swelling of gums. When overused, antiseptic mouthwash may cause discoloration of teeth. 

  1. Cosmetic mouthwash:

This type of mouthwash helps in controlling bad breath temporarily. But it doesn’t reduce any risk related to cavities or gum disease.

  1. Natural Mouthwash

As people are now more conscious of what their bodies get exposed to daily, they have been inclining towards healthy alternatives. It has made people switch to natural mouthwash as it contains natural ingredients. It is also a popular alternative as an alcohol-free mouthwash and is considered the safest as compared to other mouthwashes.

While not every type of mouthwash will be right for you, finding the right one can help you meet good oral hygiene more effectively.

  • Mouthwash or Not To Mouthwash:

Mouthwash always has been promoted as the treatment for bad breath, a way to prevent cavities, gum disease, and more, but many people worry that these mouthwashes come with various health hazards. So let us tackle the question: Is mouthwash good for you?

Although mouthwash promotes dental hygiene, there are a few disadvantages one should consider while using it. Most of these disadvantages are due to the high alcohol content in a mouthwash. 

The alcohol in mouthwash causes a dry or burning sensation to the mouth that can give a bad taste. Also, if the alcohol level in the mouthwash is too high, it can irritate canker sores in your mouth. So, alcohol-based mouthwashes are effective for the short-term, but they may not be a good fit for the long run.

Mouthwash can be dangerous for children under the age of 6 as they tend to swallow the content after rinsing and gargling, causing various health hazards. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 should use mouthwash under adult supervision.

Mouthwash can be useful or harmful, depending on its type and usage. Generally, mouthwash promotes good oral hygiene and fresh breath. But oral hygiene needs vary from person to person. So it is better to get a recommendation from your dentist depending on your oral health.


Remember that using mouthwash is a complementary habit that may improve your oral hygiene. Using mouthwash alone is not enough to achieve these benefits. It is a part of a complete oral health routine that includes proper brushing and flossing.